Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holidays are over. Back to the gloom

Lock is recording a record. All Teeth is recording a record and going on tour. Christmas was delightful. I cant wait to get outta here for a while though. This year is tour tour tour tour tour tour. So expect to not see me, or see me. Either one. Ill make a more in depth update soon.

New ideas for All Teeth Shirts?

Best Beer EVER

Dave Maria and Mike chillin in Mantika!

TJ and BOB recording lock demo

Fort Ryland Fun

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

All The Things

Tours getting closer. Ive been experimenting with flyers for it. The dates are almost booked so were stoked and ill def be making updates about it.

Still doing the zine...feels like it will never get done. If anyone wants to help me hit me up!!

Also Check out Its my homie spoon. He's the one who got me all juiced on doing zines. And hes doing way more than I am. So def check it out and support!!!

DEAD TO ME!! Ive never given this band a real listen before my homie was raving about them. I listened to the record and I was hooked. The best way I have heard it described is arrogant. Which is perfect.
Here is a link to a myspace page where you can listen to the full record(New Record)

Ill leave you with this...